The magic horse I let the magic horse through the door, hoping this time he would save me for sure The magic horse is just like me Hurting everyone who captures his eye the magic horse who I will ride away with into the black midnight sky... Just like a myth set behind a magic sunset He is so strong and brave, galloping to me,to save His rider is one I have known all my life... De...
It's About It's about waking up in the mornning and smelling the first rain its about being happy to be awakened by the sunshine at the begining of a new day, its about being asked the reason for your happiness by a precious princess with an innocence that knows no pain, its about having the urge to dance always... It's about never wondering how much time has passed or never looking back on what didnt last, its about fufilling your dreams no mat...
He has always been proud Where does time end Where does it all stop Who decided it should begin Why should our lives be determined by Him I'll wait at the ocean for all of time Just for you to discover that you are mine Death was never proud, he has always been with us befriending me even now... Maybe if He is not feared he might just go away What he took from me can never be replaced but now I fear him not for he is mine, yes Death I now own you for all of time... If yo...
Missing you is time A silent tear rolled down my face A silent chance, a silent goodbye What an unmistakable dream The world seemed so timeless My life seemed so priceless with you as the wind beneath my wings helping me soar so high with you dad I felt like i could touch the sky I dont know why time has changed me and I dont know why I cant change time to be I used to think that you going away was destinys plan for me but now I know that my destiny has to ...
Imagine You were swept away like the light at the end of the day The night came and the darkness took you away Just like the sunshine He knew you were to bright to stay The awesome brother i never met, a decision I will always regret though it wasnt mine to make it was just an act of your eternal fate... I imagined your smile to be one with perfection I imagined your life in a million directions I imagined you to be ever so sweet The best brother there ever could be I imagine...
Darkness resides No one knows what happens as day turns into light He becomes mine,two souls unite and at once the world is out of sight This is where it begins and this is where it ends reality sealing his fate and we where nothing more than friends was this Gods intention for us to just pass each others lives never having time, feelings or a chance to say goodbye I know what true love feels like, he loved me for sure but now destinys plan seems to be deliberating so much mo...
ONLY YOU Only you know where i have been only you know all the pain i have seen only you held my hand and directed me to the light Now, my life has no end in sight Oh, how i wish i could fall asleep in your arms again tonight do you remember the time she wanted me no more only you held me in your arms and let me cry till i fell asleep, only you reassured me that life was about so much more... Only you could be the greatest mother...
As promised the last poem to complete the trio, thanks for the amazing support and wonderfull comments that i recieve and to the person who encourages me to dare to be different Thankyou!!!!!!!!! For my fans who want to know what else they can expect of me well... watch this space and your book shops for my novel! Flashback Moving across the room, i think of her and eternal doom she never loved me i know this is tr...